all images by Bjoern Steinz
Archive for the ‘ Slovakia ’ Category
“Building Hope” – from a shack into a 3E House – is a pilot project to establish micro-loan funds for transformative change in socially excluded Roma communities. The pilot project in Rankovce took place in a marginalized Roma community – all the builders were unemployed Roma living with their families in difficult conditions. A Slovak [&hellip[ READ MORE ]
The Lunik IX housing estate is home to the largest Roma community in Slovakia. It is located a few kilometers away from the historical city centre, on the outskirts of the eastern Slovakian city of Kosice. Since the beginning of the 1980s a large number of the Roma residents living in the city and in [&hellip[ READ MORE ]
My long term project “A Wall Runs Through it” about 5 different Roma communities in east Slovakia will be launched today with the first chapter about “Ostrovany”. The 8th of April is the International Romani Day, a day to celebrate Romani culture and raise awareness of the issues facing Romani people[ READ MORE ]
My online presentation and story portfolio is updated, you find all under[ READ MORE ]
Last week I had the honour to take over the Open Society Foundations Instagram feed for one week during my work in Roma settlements in the area of Kosice in Slovakia. Images are on Instagram under @opensocietyfoundations and a direct link Q/A for the Open Society Foundations about my ongoing project you can find here[ READ MORE ]
The publication can be purchased here as printed or digital version:[ READ MORE ]
I received a grant from VG Bild-Kunst based in Germany to continue my project about the co-existence of majority population and Roma minority in the area around Kosice in eastern Slovakia. I am very glad that I am supported and able to continue my work[ READ MORE ]
A story about the difficult co-existence of majority population and Roma minority in eastern Slovakia. The whole feature at Panos Pictures[ READ MORE ] Another edit of the work I was assigned for by the Open Society Foundations last November about Roma settlements in eastern Slovakia, I visited those settlements with OSF videographer and multimedia producer Lauren Frohne. Some more about our visit there you can find on Lauren’s blog[ READ MORE ]